Late Arrival / Early Dismissal
Late Arrivals (Tardy to School)
Students must sign-in at the Attendance Office if they are more than 10 minutes late to school (late arrivals under 10 minutes should go directly to class where teachers will mark them tardy). Failure to do so will result in unexcused absences recorded on the student’s attendance record.
Period by period absences cannot be excused unless they have been pre-arranged through the attendance office prior to the absence. Missing 15 minutes or more of any one class is considered an absence, and must be excused accordingly.
Early Dismissals
Early dismissals must be arranged prior to the absence.
Please send a signed note with your student on the morning of the day needing early dismissal or leave a message on the 24-hour attendance voice mail. Students should bring the note to the Attendance Office before school so a pass can be provided in advance for your student to leave class and the campus.
All early dismissal passes are to be picked up by the student before school or during their break time. This helps minimize classroom disruptions and valuable learning time that occurs when a runner is required to deliver a pass to your student in the classroom during the school day. It also allows your student to be ready to leave on his or her own or be available for parents/guardians to pick up at the specified time.
It is understandable that there are times a student must be released early for an appointment or emergency that the parent/guardian was unaware of in time to send a note in the morning with their student. In these instances, it is advisable to contact the Attendance Office as soon as possible and leave a message at (425) 408-8810. The voicemail is checked throughout the day.
Students must sign out at the Attendance Office when they leave during the school day or the absence is considered truancy.
We appreciate your assistance and understanding and request that every effort be made to keep your student in class the entire school day so the best possible learning environment can be preserved for all our students and our teachers.