
North Creek High School wants your student to be successful! To succeed daily attendance and active participation in each class is a critical part of the learning process. Our attendance policies and procedures are designed to help students learn responsibility and increase their potential for success. As part of recognizing the importance of this issue, parents and student are responsible for both being aware of student’s attendance and correcting any error in a timely manner.  This policy seeks to accomplish four goals:

  1. To encourage regular school attendance by students.

  2. To clarify the importance of regular attendance in achieving class objectives.
  3. To encourage teachers to develop lessons that makes each instructional day important to the student.
  4. To provide for continuity of learning. 

We recognize there are many reasons for a student missing school, but students can only maximize their educational experience by being in attendance. Please avoid family trips, vacations, appointments, etc., while school is in session as we are trying to reinforce the importance of regular and consistent attendance. We appreciate parent understanding and support in notifying the Attendance Office Voicemail at 425-408-8810 or email: Brad Slayton at