College Admission Requirements
Q: What classes do I need to go directly to a 4 year college?
A: It depends on which college you want to attend. Check the college's website for their admission requirements.
In the state of Washington, Washington State University, Central Washington University, Western Washington University, and Eastern Washington University have a Guaranteed Admission Program (GAP). GAP allows seniors who have a 3.0 GPA and above automatic admissions, as long as they apply to the college. Evergreen State College requires 2.5 GPA.
Q: How many AP classes do I need to get into a "good" college?
A: First, all colleges can be "good." It depends on the student's individual needs and choices when it comes to finding the best fit. AP classes are rigorous, college level classes. There is no specific number of classes you should take but it is best to focus on subject areas you like. It is very important to realize that life is a balance, both during and after high school. So... how many? As many as the student would like to take in areas of high interest. Here is a great article from admissions at MIT about the subject: