One resource that can really help in your journey to find the right "fit" for college is attending a college visit right here on campus. Various colleges come to campus, usually in the fall, to offer students an inside look at their respective campuses. Admissions representatives explain things like what degree programs are offered, what life on campus is all about, what there is to do in the surrounding area and much more! These visits are open to all grades, but are most beneficial to 11th and 12th graders. You need to sign up for a college visit on Naviance, and it must be approved by your teacher.
College Visits During virtual learning
NCHS will have virtual college visits during Northshore Learns 3.0.
One way to attend those visits is by clicking one of the links on the right just before the time listed on the day of the visit. But the best way to attend is to follow the directions below.
College Visit Registration Instructions
1. Login to your Naviance account (you may have to update your password)
2. Click on Colleges at the top right, then select Research Colleges
3. Then click College Visits
4. Now you will see a clear picture of all of the college visits. If you see one you want to attend, click Register Now. Return to the visit page just before the start time of the visit for the active link.
Below is the full College Visit calendar. You can switch the view to Week, Month or Agenda view. This webpage also has a section entitled Upcoming College Visits which shows just the ones coming on campus soon.