Girls Volleyball

Important Dates

Registration for 2024-25 is open!
register here
Summer Open Gyms are June 3, 10, 19, 24 and July 15, 16, 22, 23 and 25.
Try-Outs are August 26, 27 and 28, 2024.

Welcome to NCHS Jaguars Volleyball!  

Coach Octavio's goal is to develop a positive volleyball program that allows student-athletes to boost their volleyball abilities and hone individual and team skills that will be used later to excel in the student, sports, work, family and personal environments. He believes discipline and perseverance are key factors to succeed in life. A third factor is our ability to build relationships. A competitive sports environment, especially volleyball, is the ideal venue to forge and hone skills to make everyone successful in life.

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Varsity Coach

Octavio Medina

Meet the Coaches


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