Career and Technical Education (CTE) and WANIC
The Career and College Readiness program offers a wide variety of courses and programs for all students. Each Career and College Readiness course meets occupational education credit requirements.
To learn more about the Career and College Readiness program, visit Northshore School District's Career and College Readiness website.
To look at the Career and Technical Education course offerings, view the CTE section of our course catalog.
Upcoming Career and Technical Education Open House at North Creek!
Come see us at the Career and College Readiness Open House for parents and students on March 5th from 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. at Bothell High School! This annual event provides first-hand information from instructors and current students about our Career and Technical Education courses and student leadership offerings. For more details, please see the Northshore School District's Career and College Readiness / Course & Registration website.